
1.Rock N Roll (修改)

Let em know that we're still Rock n Roll

I don't care about my makeup
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up
Don't know how to keep my mouth shut
You say so what (what)

I don' t care if I'm misfit
I like it better than the hipster of all shit
I am the mother f-cking princess
You still love me

Some some how
It's a little different when
I'm with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how it really goes
Some some way
We'll be getting out of this
Time one day
You're the only that I
Want with me
You know how the story goes

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio
What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll
Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll
Hey Hey Hey

Don't get a bad attitude dude
I'm never going to cover up that tattoo
I might have a couple issues
You say me too (yeah)
Don't care about a reputation
Must be living in the wrong generation
This is your invitation
Let's get wasted

Some some how
It's a little different when
I'm with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how the story really goes

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio
What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll
Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll
Hey Hey Hey

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio

What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio

What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll

Rock 'n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll
Hey Hey Hey


更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 

Let em know that we're still Rock n Roll 讓所有人都知道我們依然是搖滾咖

I don't care about my makeup 我不在乎我的裝扮
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up 我就是喜歡把我的牛仔褲撕的爛爛的
Don't know how to keep my mouth shut 不用去想著如何讓我閉嘴
You say so what (what) 你能拿我怎樣

I don' t care if I'm misfit 我不在乎我腦袋哪拐到
I like it better than the hipster of all shit 我就是喜歡更勝於那些狗屁時髦
I am the mother f-cking princess 我就是她母親的搖滾公主
You still love me 你仍然愛著我

Some some how 不知怎麼
It's a little different when 當我跟你在一起時
I'm with you 就會有那麼點不同
You know what I really am 你很清楚我在電話裡
On the phone 講的是甚麼
You know how it really goes 你很明白這一切是怎麼回事

Some some way 在某種程度上
We'll be getting out of this 我們將會失去這一切
Time one day 到時候
You're the only that I 你會是我的唯一
Want with me 想跟我在一起
You know how the story goes 你就必須知道事情的來龍去脈

When it's you and me 當你我樂在其中時
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 我們不需要任何人來告訴我們該怎麼做
We'll keep turning up the radio 我們只須一直打開收音機
Well it's you and I 那就是屬於你和我了
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 用力豎起中指指向天空
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 讓大家知道我們依然是搖滾咖
Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey hey hey 嘿嘿嘿
Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey Hey Hey 嘿嘿嘿

Don't get a bad attitude dude 不用去管那些不對調的小鬼頭
I'm never going to cover up that tattoo 我永遠不會去遮蔽掉我身上的刺青
I might have a couple issues 或許我的腦袋有問題
You say me too (yeah) 你說:我也是耶

Don't care about a reputation 不要去管名譽好不好
Must be living in the wrong generation 就已經是活在這個錯誤的年代了
This is your invitation 這是你發的請帖
Let's get wasted 就讓我們盡情揮灑

Some some how 不知怎麼
It's a little different when 當我跟你在一起時
I'm with you 就會有那麼點不同
You know what I really am 你很清楚我在電話裡
On the phone 講的是甚麼
You know how it really goes 你很明白這一切是怎麼回事

When it's you and me 當你我樂在其中時
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 我們不需要任何人來告訴我們該怎麼做
We'll keep turning up the radio 我們只須一直打開收音機
Well it's you and I 那就是屬於你和我了
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 用力豎起中指指向天空
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 讓大家知道我們依然是搖滾咖
Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey hey hey 嘿嘿嘿
Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey Hey Hey 嘿嘿嘿

When it's you and me 當你我樂在其中時
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 我們不需要任何人來告訴我們該怎麼做
We'll keep turning up the radio 我們只須一直打開收音機
Well it's you and I 那就是屬於你和我的時刻
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 用力豎起中指指向天空
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 讓大家知道我們依然是搖滾咖

When it's you and me 當你我樂在其中時
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 我們不需要任何人來告訴我們該怎麼做
We'll keep turning up the radio 我們只須一直打開收音機
Well it's you and I 那就是屬於你和我了
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 用力豎起中指指向天空
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 讓大家知道我們依然是搖滾咖

Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey hey hey 嘿嘿嘿
Rock 'n roll 搖滾咖
Hey Hey Hey 嘿嘿嘿


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